evidence is the language and currency of life sciences
organisations need to be adept at converting evidence to commercial excellence
evidence-based training in support of commercial excellence
familiarity with evidential terms doesn't necessarily infer competency
validated programs which assess, train, and embed evidence-based skill sets
uniquely offers objectively measured evidential skills and competency
learn about our range of instructor-led, virtual instructor-led, e-learning and distance programs
Make an Enquiry | Register &/or Payment

Please register or make an enquiry on a course using the form below. Your request will be answered by the appropriate manager who will aim to respond within 24 hours.

If you prefer to speak with us, please select from a region below

To enable us to efficiently attend to your needs, we would appreciate your completion of the following fields. Fields marked with * are required.

Contact Details
First Name*
Last Name*
Company Name*
Nature of Business
Position Title*
Years in Industry (by role)
Your Email*
Landline Number*
Mobile Number*
Alternative Contact Name
Alternative Contact Email
If you received a vocational
or tertiary qualification
Please specify the qualification/s
(for single student registration)
Enquiry/Registration Details
Enquiry type*

Course Type*
Public/Private Program

City/Country location of course
Number of Attendees
Special Requirements
(dietary, physical, visual)
Total Fees Payable (USD)
(excluding VAT)
Payment details*

Purchase Order No.
(if applicable)
Detailed Enquiry
How did you hear about
Evident Education?*